1. Candidate completes a certification application by

• Sending an email requesting certification to certification@lifescorepurpose.com

• Providing a bio or resume’ with details about your education, work experience, and career focus.

2. If initial screening is approved you will be provided access to complete the Life’s Core Purpose assessment on-line.

3. Attend Core Purpose Integration training by Jeff Pelletier (in person or on line), or a Certified Coach.

4. Watch the Coach’s Training Videos.

5. Complete a multiple choice exam to demonstrate your comprehension of the LCP Coaching material.

6. Using the knowledge and materials you gained from the coursework, demonstrate proficiency in LCP integration by coaching at least 3 individuals in Life’s Core Purpose Integration. (This is free.) Each client will evaluate your coaching skills using the LCP coaching evaluation process. (Waved after initial certification.)

7. We remain in contact with your purpose clients (only), as they automatically become “Members” and have access our newsletter/resources through the “premium members area” on our web site.

8. Each Coach has access to the “Premium Coaches Area” and the “Premium Members Area” of our website.

Certification is valid for two years, after which you can renew your certification. To do so, your next three LCP clients will be asked to complete an evaluation of their purpose experience.

In addition, The Foundation For Excellence in Faith and Work reserves the right to “spot-check” any purpose client within six weeks of their purpose discovery experience.

The cost of certification is $250, and must be renewed every two years.

With each re-certification you receive FIVE free LCP purpose views for you to use in generating new business.

Opportunity to customize the opening message of the LCP video to your practice, and also embed the video on your coaching site are available. Contact us to discuss fees. Certification Fee payable by Invoice.

Life’s Core Purpose is a property of The Foundation for Excellence in Faith and Work and is also under license to The Foundation For Excellence in Faith and Work
Copyright 2017