[wpedon id=”4883″ align=”left”]Some people are head driven, their intellect drives their life’s choices. Some folks are heart driven, their passion and emotions drive their choices.  Life’s Core Purpose (tm) is an awareness that when practiced in your life brings BOTH the head and the heart into play. I was meeting with a client the other day and he was telling me that he was working on a project to help a friend to “develop” his business. Our conversation produced an epiphany for him. Since he had found his Life’s Core Purpose ™ I knew what his Core Competence and his Core Passion were. and I recognized right away a dilemma for him.
I asked, ” What are you doing to help develop the business?”  He thought for words. I said,  “Can you give me a couple of examples”.  He thought, then said he attended some meetings where they had come up with a brainstorm of ideas.  I asked, “What’s your strategy or the business?”  His answer, “I don’t know.”  I knew that the conversation would end this way because Development is his Core Passion NOT his Core Competence.  He cares about Development happening but it is not something he does well. (Developing IS a Core Competence which can see the opportunity in a project or idea.)  Development is what he wants to SEE in the world around him.  But focusing on development as a competence was his mistake.  What I shared with him is that in those meetings his STRENGTH is found in his Core Competence–  Correlating.  If he were to sit in these meetings and bring that analytical skill to bear on CAUSING development he would have moved development of that business forward and added value to the discussions. When he realized that he was letting his heart affect him in this way he immediately “clicked” on the reason he was feeling so frustrated in the meetings and why he wasn’t adding value. .