Here is an insight which I think is very powerful.  A Core Purpose applies to the entirety of your life, not just your job.  Your Core Purpose is the primary means of your effectiveness, it is your life’s on-going outcome, the accomplishment you are equipped to bring to the situations you are in.  Whenever you allow yourself to drift from it you become less and less effective. For example you might be asked to address a situation in which your core passion is touched deeply but your core competence would not apply.  If you say yes, and you should not unless you have clear direction from God, you will be frustrated as you will be involved with the issue or matter you care deeply about but you will be largely ineffective at helping.  (Sometimes this is ok because God is doing something that will lead you to a full application later on. But again, only do so if God is saying yes.)  So living your purpose fully is the key.

The same with Calling. If God calls you to do a particular work (go to Iraq) or into a particular field, (join the Army) don’t forget that you are to solely and fully apply your Core Purpose to that calling.  Don’t deviate from  it or you will be ineffective.  And if you truly have identified your purpose, you will have PLENTY to do, rest assured.  A Core Purpose is a limited, limitless path. Since I have discovered mine and devoted it to God by asking, seeking, and knocking Him for the plans he has for me, for the “works he has prepared in advance for me to do, I have had NO lack of work and the work my hands have been given to do are very satisfying and I am very effective in it.  And most of all I have great joy…

If you would like a tool to help you to discover your purpose send me an e-mail and I will forward it…free.

Jeff Pelletier
God’s Work in Progress.

Next post will be  about Spiritual Gifts and Purpose.

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