Purpose as an Evangelism Tool- The Story of Cory
This is from a young man we worked with to find and integrate his Core Purpose. Cory is not a believer…yet. But after our time together, he is thinking about the idea that how he IS, is not an accident…..:) “God’s Work in Progress” wants to help you do great work with great faith. In […]
Purpose-Mission-Calling- what’s the difference?
People use these terms almost interchangeably, but they are not synonymous. Calling, Mission and Purpose are different for a reason. Calling- Something specific God asks you to do for him. Sometimes it lasts a lifetime, sometimes three years. (Jesus was called to the Cross.) Mission- Something God asks you to establish for him, like a […]
Competence & Passion
Competence (what you do really great all the time, you’re doing it right now in fact), is not enough. Passion is also necessary. And your Core Passion is always in play. Your Core Passion is an internal concern, value or issue that you want to bring to or impact your world with. These two together […]
Life’s Core Purpose ™ and your LIfe
Let me warn you about something. Your Life’s Core Purpose ™ is NOT a fix-all answer (aka panacea) for your life. In fact if you are struggling with feeling secure for example, it can actually be a negative. Let’s say we help someone discover that their core purpose in life is to “visualize positive outcomes”. […]
Core Competence X Core Passion = Full and Satisfying Life
The equation in the title is what we call your Effectiveness Equation= Competence multiplied by Passion. Your Core Competence is a Cognitive Skill, that resides between your ears. We all possess many of the them, but ONE them is dominant. THAT one is your core Competence, natural, default, easy cognitive skill that is always operating. […]
The Results are in on Core Purpose and Core Values
The verdict on my testing and proving out one of the key principles of Jim Collins books. In the book “Good to Great”, and his other books Jim Collins talks about the power of this principle: Preserve the Core, Stimulate Progress. For most of my adult life and for the last 10 years in my […]
Core Life’s Purpose
NT Wright is a “mentor” of my work with Life’s Core Purpose, even though we have never met. I would love to have him on the show and will seek to make that happen as we come back on the air. Here is a short video of Dr Wright explaining exactly what I say in […]
Let’s Be Clear about Purpose in the Bible
First- the Bible is very clear and direct about this subject- God KNOWS you are purpose driven. He is purpose driven and we are created in His Image and Likeness. There are many many verses that demonstrate God and we are purposeful. We are teleological- and so is God. We SEEK. As you may have […]
Mission Accomplished! Core Purpose and Eternal Life
Your Core Purpose is eternal because you are eternal. That which you are intrinsically great at, that which is hard-wired into you, will not die, because your Core Competence is between your ears, and is expressed with your mouth, your hands, (Ecc 9:10) your feet, your back etc. But these are just the means by […]
God's Work in Progress- Targeting Your Core Purpose
The key to success with your core purpose is to look for the need. Always be looking at and listening to opportunities that your purpose would advance. Look at companies mission statements and core purposes. Look for companies who are embarking on strategies or products where your core purpose would be valuable. Present yourself to […]
God's Work in Progress- Purpose- Your Life's Work
We are setting a goal to “intentionalize the world” . We are as we write this, working to convert our paper purpose tool, which has been in beta stage for two years, into an interactive “cloud” program that will give you clarity about your life and how you should live it. The two components of […]
This is why Core Purpose works!
Simon Sinek has a simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership all starting with a golden circle and the question “Why?” His examples include Apple, Martin Luther King, and the Wright brothers … (Filmed at TEDxPugetSound.) In 2009, Simon Sinek released the book “Start With Why” — a synopsis of the theory he has begun […]